Monday 28 December 2015

Christmas bells

 I LOVE CHRISTMAS! We had such a great time but after the last blog post of all writing I thought I would just do Christmas in pictures...
Loved our first Christmas cards we made in October - yes thats how excited I am about Christmas.... Then with surgery they ended up being late to all of our Australian family and friends - sorry they are on there way! 

Mum collects Santas and this is as we were taking them down so a few are already packed away....

This is Baxter, Mum and Dad's (and I like to think My) baby. This is on the last day of school. He is seriously the most delicious snuggly beast!

Samuel was here (meant to be here for a weekend and stayed for a week because I had my surgery - he is THE best!). This was my first time out of the house after my surgery and we went and had Movenpick icecream and this was a Christmas tree in Takapuna.
(I secretly love that we are matching and it wasn't even on purpose!)

Sam came back (as we were meant to for Christmas) and we went to the Franklin Road lights with my family. We took Baxter and he was even more popular than the lights! 
All of us minus Sam who was the photographer

We were asked to play Mary and Joseph for the ward Christmas party. It was really fun. Joseph was hilarious especially as he held out Mary's dress (before she gave birth) and took all the gifts from the wisemen. We may have had a slight incident involving baby Jesus BUT don't worry when we have our own baby I will not be dropping him!
(sorry it is blurry but it gives you a good idea of the whole nativity!)

 I bought my Mum and I matching PJs for Christmas. I wore mine Christmas Eve (Mum's were wrapped up) and luckily Mum really liked them so on Christmas Night we matched! Team Fulmizi were on making Christmas breakfast and we saw this cool idea online so we made Santa pancakes! They looked awesome and were delicious.